Frequently Asked Questions Regarding Dental Veneers
Dental veneers are shells that are similar to the tooth normally used on the tooth to enhance its appearance. Veneers change the size and shape of the tooth when applied. There are professional dental veneers all over the world. Whenever you require one, just use referrals from people who have had dental veneers done or search on the internet for best dental veneers. For instance, if you live in New York City, search for Veneers NYC and look for the best rated. Here are most frequently asked questions regarding dental veneers.
Will my teeth get ruined if I use dental veneers? This is a question most people often ask. It makes some hold on to the idea of getting porcelain veneers. Truth is, dental veneers do not destroy your teeth, and they help in achieving a great smile. They bond with the front part of the tooth, therefore, do not affect the natural tooth. Veneers are not painful either, thus do not cause any discomfort. Their main aim is to enhance the appearance and make the teeth beautiful. Talk to a dentist to understand more about this procedure, as well as allow the dentist to customize the veneer as per your request.
Another question that is frequently asked regarding veneers is about the size, shape, and length of the veneers. It is important to understand that dental veneers are customized to fit each tooth. They cannot be standard as different people have different tooth sizes and shapes. Additionally, they can be fixed on any tooth and each tooth has a different shape.
Patients also want to find out the procedure of getting dental veneers. Well, the first thing to do is to visit a dentist. Find a dentist near you or contact your dentist and book an appointment. You will be required to make three or more visits later depending on the number of teeth to be enhanced with veneers. During the first appointment, your dentist will measure the teeth and have the veneer ready for your next visit so they can be fixed. You can more than one tooth fixed the same day. Talk to your dentist regarding the same and be sure to ask any other question regarding the procedure on your first visit. Also, ask the dentist to shed more light on the whole process of preparation and bonding so you can be well prepared.
Who is an ideal candidate for dental veneers? A person who has a broken or chipped tooth can have a dental veneer. The veneer will hide the broken part and instead cover the front part of the tooth perfectly to improve its appearance and bring back the smile. If your teeth are not properly aligned or are not evenly shaped, this can also be corrected using dental veneers. The same can also be done to a person who has gaps in between the teeth as a way of closing the gap and enhancing the appearance of the teeth. The veneers will be customized to fit in the gaps. Having the questions regarding the veneers answered, go ahead and lookup for a dental Veneer in NYC.