What You Need to Know When Buying a Tourniquet
In various situations involving traumatic injuries, a tourniquet is one of the most effective medical equipment that can help to stop bleeding and hence save lives. In general, it is established that at least 20{93572489c7e237de766fedbe8e9dec2295ee0a016ae96906140969072cc03977} of people who succumb to traumatic injuries lacking effective bleeding control, would be saved that effective bleeding control equipment. Saving lives is not all about being there when an accident happens but also having the right equipment at the right time so that in case of an accident, shooting, or any other unfortunate activity that leads to serious injuries, you can quickly use a tourniquet and save lives. A combat application tourniquet is very effective in stopping blood flow to the injured limb e.g., a leg or an arm by applying a lot of pressure that is needed to stop blood flow. Use of other improvised equipment such as T-shirts or any other kind of cloth to stop blood flow to the traumatic injury rarely helps to save lives. Buying the rights combat application tourniquet is important in this article provides you with the information you need.
One of the most critical factors to consider when selecting the right tourniquet is to check out for endorsement of the particular combat application tourniquet by various reputable surgical institutes. What patent an endorsement by a medical research Institute tells you is that the tourniquet has been tested both in the lab and in the field and has the highest percentage of success in the event of elevated hemorrhage. Ensure that your quality-oriented and purchasing a combat application tourniquet and only choose a supplier that can provide a patented and proven tourniquet by at least one of the institutes of surgical research. When confirming the quality of the tourniquet you are purchasing, check for the patent number and confirm whether the tourniquet has been the in use by any of the military organizations.
Effective stoppage of blood flow in the event of a traumatic injury with heavy hemorrhage depends on the system used by the tourniquet in applying pressure on the wound. Ensure that the combat application tourniquet your purchasing uses a durable windlass system that has a free moving internal bond that makes it possible to apply circumferential pressure to the maximum. The advantage of a windlass system is that once they combat application tourniquet has been tightened, the windlass is locked into place once the bleeding stops and hence no need to keep applying pressure using the hands.